
VBS at Bethany Baptist Church

7422 North Heinz Lane
Phone: (309) 692-1755Email: info@bethanycentral.orgWebsite: Visit Website Google Map

"Join us for our Vacation Bible School week. We’ll study God’s word, have incredible crafts, a skit each day, amazing songs, and awesome games. It’s a time kids won’t want to miss!"

"The theme this year is The Great Jungle Journey from Answers in Genesis. Every day, our kids are bombarded with questions: Did God really create everything? Why do bad things happen? Was Noah’s ark real? Why do I need to be saved? Can I trust the Bible? At The Great Jungle Journey, your kids will explore the biblical answers to these questions as they set off on an epic adventure from Genesis to Revelation.

During the week, we will be taking a special daily offering for our VBS Global Outreach Partners. We look forward to sharing more about this opportunity with you when VBS begins.

Each day will conclude with a 10 minute closing program in the main sanctuary before the children are dismissed at noon. Parents are encouraged to join us, especially on Friday."

Where: Bethany Baptist 

When: June 10-14 | 9:00am - 12:00pm

How: Register HERE