
Cave-In-Rock State Park

1 New State Park Rd.
Phone: 618-289-4325Website: Visit Website Google Map

There are few natural wonders as captivating as a cave. Its shadowy depths evoke a sense of adventure, mystery, and even a hint of danger, conjuring images of hidden treasures and ancient secrets.

At Cave-In-Rock in southern Illinois, you can immerse yourself in this fascination firsthand. Perched atop towering bluffs that overlook the picturesque Ohio River, this densely wooded park takes its name from the magnificent cave, a 55-foot-wide marvel carved out of limestone by the relentless forces of water over millennia.

Trails meandering along the riverbank provide breathtaking views of passing riverboats, barges, and other scenes that animate the waterway's lively activity. Whether you're drawn by the allure of exploration or simply seeking solace in nature's embrace, Cave-In-Rock promises an unforgettable experience for adventurers of all ages.