
6 Techniques to Calm Your Child's Anxiety

Tips from a Local Educator and Yoga Instructor

By Angie Swearingian, Yoga Learning Adventures, Sponsored March 13, 2019

Anxiety affects nearly one-third of both adolescents and adults, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Anxiety and fear are helpful when we need to move out of the way of an oncoming bus, remember not to touch a hot stove, or stay away from dangerous places. But when anxiety takes over, our quality of life suffers. Yoga & mindfulness can help people of all ages cope with stress and anxiety. Learn 6 ways to calm your child’s anxiety (or yours).

1.) Love & Support

The support, caring, and a touch of friends and loved ones is helpful to ease anxiety and stress. Acknowledgment that the anxious feelings are normal and that they won’t last forever can help ease the pressure. Sometimes it is beneficial to talk about the anxious feelings or thoughts and other times, it is better to just know others are available for a hug, smile, or reassurance. Finally, remember to do what children do best, play and have fun!  

2.) Turtle in a Shell

Turtles hide in their shells for protection when they feel threatened or when they need to rest. When you feel anxious or overwhelmed, you can go into your shell for protection and safety. Pretend that your thumb is the turtle’s head and your four fingers are the shell. Wrap your four fingers over your thumb making a fist and close your eyes. Take some deep belly breaths and imagine how peaceful and happy you feel inside your shell. Remember that you can come back to this feeling of safety and calmness anytime because it is a part of you.

3.) Elevator Breathing

Feeling too anxious to take a deep breath? Try elevator breathing! Elevator is a 3-part breathing exercise. Move your hand up as the elevator pauses at floor 1, 2, and 3.  Move your hand back down as the elevator moves back down to the first floor.  Inhale through your nose: 1/3 to floor one. Pause. Inhale another 1/3 to floor 2. Pause. Inhale the last 1/3 to floor 3.  Exhale through your mouth all the way back down to floor one of the elevator. Pause. Repeat for several rounds.

4.) Move Your Body
Create a level of physical activity equal to the level of bodily stimulation generated by your anxiety—try jumping jacks, jump roping, running, athletic yoga, speed walking, skipping, dancing, etc.  Then gradually slow the movement down as you tire and begin deep, slow breathing.  

5.) Balance Poses

Balancing takes a level of focus & concentration that takes the mind off of whatever you were previously thinking or doing because you will fall and get hurt if you are not mindful of each moment. It also builds confidence and resiliency, which will help in overcoming challenging emotions. 

6.) Engage Your Senses

Use music or aromatherapy to help shift attention away from anxiety-producing thoughts. It’s especially helpful to have an anchor song and/or fragrance that makes you feel calm to use during difficulties to redirect your thoughts and worries. Spend time outdoors observing nature and walk barefoot in the grass, weather permitting. Slowly eat and savor a fresh piece of fruit to bring your attention back to the present moment.

Angie Swearingian, owner of Yoga Learning Adventures, is on a mission to empower kids with strategies for self-regulation. Angie is a veteran school teacher and registered yoga instructor for children and adults. She has been teaching yoga and mindfulness to children in the Peoria community for 7 years. In 2017, she began training educators to use yoga & mindfulness techniques in the classroom setting and recently, she expanded her offerings to families, parents, and those suffering from anxiety, chronic stress, trauma, etc. 

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