
A-Z Guide to Indoor Fun in the Peoria Area

By By Amanda Morgan, Publisher February 15, 2019

Winter has been long, don’t worry! We’ve got you covered (no pun intended!) Everything isn't closed so we wanted to gather a list of ideas in such wild times.

A- Ascend the Mountain by rock climbing at First Ascent Climbing & Fitness - Peoria. 

B- Bowl a strike at one of the local bowling alleys:

Landmark Lanes (Peoria)

Mt. Hawley Bowl (Peoria) - Cosmic Bowling every Friday and Saturday night!

Potter's Alley (Morton) - Great food and bowling!

C- Chuck-E-Cheese's - Visit their site to see their Tuesday and Wednesday specials.

D- Drive a tractor simulator at the Caterpillar Visitors Center. Take a virtual tour until they open back up!

E- Enjoy the bounce at Elevate Trampoline Park. Check out their toddler time. 

F- Friendship bracelets are a great way to craft and send a long distance hug to a friend!

G- Get out and enjoy nature. Hike of the many trails maintained by the Peoria Park District. See list of parks for which ones have trails and supporting maps.

H- Have fun splashing at a local swimming class. 

I- Ice Skating. Some COVID mitigations apply. Check with locations for details. 

J- Jump Start Gymnastics is now open for classes. Enroll Today!

K- Kick back and enjoy a good book. Lots of library story times are virtual.

L- Learn about the incredible, natural world around us at Forest Park Nature Center.

M- Monkey Around at Monkey Joe's Peoria. Private bounce times available.

N- Nix the wiggles by going to open gym at Aerial Athletics in Pekin

O- Open and read Macaroni Kid Peoria's weekly newsletter for all your local family fun. Subscribe here!

P- Paint. There are a lot virtual painting classes. Grab some canvases and paint and have a night in with family. 

Q- Quality family time with a good fashioned movie night.

R- Roller Skate at:

Westbrook's Morton Roller Rink - Family friendly music and homey feel

S- Sign and Sing at one of Communication Junction's American Sign Language (ASL) classes for young children. Virtual story times and classes are available.

T- Toss, bake, chop and frost at one of the local cooking classes:

The Cookery Inc. (Morton) - kid and family classes offered

U- Unplug and paint your own Pottery at Fired Up in Peoria Heights. Open for in-studio painting, pottery to-go, pick ups, and drop offs!

V- Visit the Peoria Riverfront Museum Facebook and website for virtual classes and fun.

W- Warm up with some cocoa and jammies in a fort.

X- eXplore at Bass Pro Shop 

Y- Yoga is a great way to relax and reflect. 

Z- Zoo time is the best time! Bundle up and visit the Peoria Zoo. Buy tickets online or buy a membership and have year round fun!

Don’t forget to check Macaroni Kid Peoria’s events calendar for even more ideas for indoor (and outdoor!) family fun in the Peoria area. We keep the calendar updated with things to do with kids so that you can spend less time looking for something to do and more quality time with your kids!