
Looking for "Mom Guilt-Free" Snacks? We Reviewed (and Loved) Sprout!

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By Gretchen, Peoria Macaroni Kid April 9, 2018

I was so excited when Sprout chose me to review their lines of organic baby food and toddler snacks. I have been looking for easy and on-the-go type snacks that I could feel good about (i.e. not have Mom guilt), and when I opened the box of goodies they sent to try I was almost giddy. 

As I read the labels, I discovered Sprout produces only organic products for babies and toddlers, and much of their line is vegan and dairy-free. My son has a dairy sensitivity, which makes some of the food I was used to giving his sister at that age (cottage cheese, yogurt) still off limits. Sometimes you just need a go-to, simple snack, and that has been what I was looking for.

One of the first things I noticed was how the baby food was packaged – in a pouch. I have a 13-month-old son, Theodore, and even though he eats table food, I am always looking for creative ways to get more fruit and veggies in his diet. Thumbs up for portability and ease of eating on-the-go!

And another thing – the pouch design is neat. I know, I know, but seriously. You can see the food in its orange, green, and purple-y goodness. And the colors are bright and inviting, which is a plus with my older toddler (who, you know, is leery of anything that’s not mac ‘n cheese). 

The first Sprout pouch we tried was the Carrot, Chickpeas, Zucchini and Pear flavor. It is one of their Plant Protein Power purees, which includes 2 grams of protein. I wasn’t sure how a mostly vegetable mix would go, but Teddy took right to it! He even did his little sign language sign for “more.” 

While he was going to town on that one, my three-year-old, Beatrice, tried one of the Sprout Power Pak pouches. The flavor, Strawberry with Superblend Banana & Butternut Squash, boasts 3 grams of protein, 4 grams of fiber, and 300 mg Omega 3 from Chia. She loved it, downed it, and wanted to try another flavor.

Later we tried a couple more varieties. Teddy really took to the Spinach, Carrot, Corn and Black Bean baby food pouch, also from the Sprout Plant Protein Power line. He really liked that one, and he kept sticking his finger into the spout and then licking it. The black beans give it 3 grams of protein per serving. 

Staying on the “green” theme, I gave him Sprout Organic Broccoli Curlz, which look like little curly c’s. After I gave Teddy these we didn’t move on any further – he had found his new favorite snack. 

Not to be outdone, big sister Bea opened up the Sprout Organic White Cheddar Curlz. She promptly ate half the tin before I could steal it away to read the ingredients. This baked snack is made from chickpeas and lentils. Cue feeling like a supermom for feeding my child lentils. 

Bea also tried the Butternut, Blueberry, Apple with Beans Plant Protein Power pouch. This was my favorite of the ones I sneaked a taste of, and in my opinion the blueberries in the mix made it the prettiest, too. 

One of the cuter items Sprout sent was their Crinklez Pumpkin Carrot Popped Veggie Snack. They have a unique texture and Teddy could more easily hold them in his hand for a literally on-the-go snack. He kept brining the bag to me – his non-verbal way of telling me what he wants! 

I have to say, I was super pleased over all with the Sprout line. I feel like I have some new, yummy, kid-approved, mom-guilt-free foods in my pantry. Ready for your family to try Sprout? Visit their website for coupons and a special BOGO offer: